Saturday, December 15, 2007

Singapore: Rojak @ Food Republic

At the end of Nov, me, my mom, auntie and cousins went to Singapore for medical Check up and see some doctors for my auntie and my mom's health.
We went there for about 8 days. A very long time in Singapore.

As usual, I always eat laksa, tom yum noddle soup and mee hun, mee poh dry and stingry.
But at this time I will focus on Rojak. The new meals that I try this time.

Rojak is the same food like in Surabaya that is called rujak. In Surabaya, there are many kind of rujak that is: rujak manis, rujak cingur, rujak tolet, rujak gobet). Rojak is like a combination between rujak manis and rujak tolet. The sauce is consist of peanuts, chili, "petis", "asam", a kind of lotus ( in Surabaya we use jambu klutuk), white sugar (in surabaya we use "gula jawa" and sweet soy sauce / kecap manis) and garlic.

Rojak is a kind of fruit salad and used a special sauce. Rojak consist of mango, bean sprout, bengkuang, pineapple, "cakue", fried tofu.
The taste is nice but not very special. I still like rujak in Surabaya.

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